The Basic Working Principles of a Ducted Air Conditioning System

08 May 2023

Air conditioning systems are utilised in most buildings today as they can provide cool air to various rooms and spaces.

One type of air conditioning system that many properties can take advantage of today is the ducted air conditioning system. A ducted air conditioning system is a type of central air conditioning system that uses a series of ducts to distribute cooled air throughout a building. It also maximises an outdoor unit and an indoor unit to carry out the refrigeration cycle, the regulation of the air’s temperature and humidity, and air distribution.

If you are thinking of investing in a ducted air conditioning system, you may want to know how it works and operates first.

Cooling and Heating Operations

A lot of ducted air conditioning systems today can already cool and heat a building. It is possible through a refrigeration cycle that extracts heat from the air inside the building and transfers it outside in the case of cooling. In the case of heating, the system can extract heat from the outside and transfer it inside the building. This cycle is carried out through a compressor, an outdoor unit, an indoor unit, and a series of ducts. The ducts, in particular, are designed to distribute cooled or heated air throughout the building.

The Essence of Ductwork 

The air that has been cooled or heated by the air handling unit is often distributed throughout a building using a network of ducts. The ductwork is often hidden behind walls, ceilings, or floors and is connected to the air handling unit to the individual rooms or zones. To ensure they can work optimally and prevent unnecessary heat transfer, the ducts should be insulated. The airflow is likewise improved if the rooms have adjustable vents and grilles.

Air Handling Unit as the Heart

A ducted air conditioning system can only work optimally if it has a fully functional air handling unit. The air handling unit serves as the heart of the system as it can pull in air from the building through a return air grill, pass it through a filter to remove dust and other particles, and pass it over the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger will then either cool or heat the air. The air handling unit is often located in a central location like a ceiling void. It is then integrated with a fan, filter, and heat exchanger.

Zoning Improves Efficiency

One benefit of a ducted air conditioning system is it can make energy use more efficient. This system can be divided into zones, allowing various parts of the building to be cooled or heated separately. It can be achieved by installing motorised dampers in the ducts, which can be opened or closed to direct air to various areas of the building. Each zone can then be equipped with its own thermostat, allowing the temperature to be set independently.

The Refrigeration Cycle

The outdoor unit of a ducted air conditioning system is comprised of the compressor, which is responsible for the refrigeration cycle. This unit is connected to the indoor unit by a set of refrigerant pipes. It also contains a fan, which blows air over the condenser coils to dissipate the heat that has been removed from the building.

A ducted air conditioning system is a complex system designed to distribute cooled or heated air throughout a building using a network of ducts. When installing one, you must get help from a professional so it can work optimally.

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